Saturday, June 13, 2009


The pictures, from top to bottom are: a unique picture of Abby (in green shirt), Abby's friend Tara, Cameron and our missionary friend Nicole; Alex and Nicole; a goofy picture of Carolyn, Cameron and Me; our Family.

I guess it is time to update our blog again. To me it seems a little pointless or boring since not much has changed but we might as well let you all know what’s going on in our lives. As many of you know we were thinking we would be in our new home by now but that isn’t the case. It is hard to explain all of the emotions that we are feeling on a daily, if not hourly, basis. As it becomes clearer that each of our hearts are 10,000 miles away, life here only becomes more of a paradox. We are trying to “connect” here while at the same time we are trying to say good-bye and unplug. If that sounds hard to do at the same time, you are absolutely right. This is where well meaning people will chime in and tell us ‘well you chose to do this”. To which I say an overwhelming “you’re right”.
You see, we are by no means complaining when we describe to others how where we are right now can be a hard place at times. But the fact that it is a hard place doesn’t by any stretch mean it is a bad place or that we would go back and change where we are for anything. We love the place that we are at but at the same time refuse to pretend that it is always easy. I look at the position that we are in similar to a story of Peter in Bible (Matt.14:22-33). He was in a boat on a lake when a violent storm came up. He saw a “ghost” walking toward him on the water and when he realized it was Christ he wanted to go out and see Him. So Christ called him out and Peter stepped out of the boat, where it was relatively safe, into the stormy water. That’s where Peter needed to go if he wanted to join Christ. Similarly, our family has felt a compelling call to join Christ where he is working in Cambodia. Our “boat” is America and its predictability and safety…what is yours and where might Christ be calling you to step out and join Him? Moving a family of 6 to a third world country is counterintuitive to man and may seem a little ridiculous but in order for us to join Christ, Cambodia is where WE needed to go. Into the “storm”, where it isn’t necessarily comfortable or “safe”. We had to get out of our boat of comfort and predictability and step out in faith. Easy? No. Good? We think so.
When it gets down to obedience, especially as a follower of Christ, for me to really grasp it I have to boil it down to a very easy to understand level. So to do that I look at my relationship with my kids and liken that to my relationship with God. I was thinking the other day about our 4 year-old Cameron when he was helping me carry a piano bench across the room. He really thought his contribution was making a difference. But what I realized was that no matter how much he tries he really doesn’t have much to offer me. Now before you start calling me nasty name and thinking I am totally insensitive, let me explain. He doesn’t have anything tangible to offer me. As his dad, he can come to me and offer his strength in lifting something. Or offer the penny in his pocket (or maybe even a quarter if he’s real rich) when I am buying a treat. Or maybe he offers a great idea for solving a perplexing problem. Whereas I listen or even receive what he has offered, it hasn’t really made a huge difference. But what can he offer? His priceless gift of his heart in relationship and obedience. Again as it says in God’s word, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” So too for us, we may sacrifice our money which to God may even amount to a whole quarter but what He really wants from each of us is our hearts in relationship and our obedience. After all, that is really all we have to offer our Father that He doesn’t already have. Just like a 4-year-old and his father.
So that is where we are these days. In the midst of obeying without seeing the end result. Struggling sometimes but always confident that we are obeying and trusting that God, who is all powerful and all good, is in control and has our best interest at heart…just like a father is to his 4-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys very much and pray for you daily! We know that GOD is with all of you! May GOD continue to bless you. Love Unc Phil & Auntie Ardis
