Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This journey we are on is exciting and there is no where we would rather be but It can come with some frustrating times as well. Focusing on these times is counterproductive. I was reminded of this last week. I was driving north on I25 in heavy traffic (a lot more than usual) when I found myself getting unreasonably frustrated, especially because there was nothing I could do about it. In the midst of my fuming I glanced to the West and saw one of the most spectacular sunsets I had ever seen in my 30 years in Colorado. The sun had just gone behind the mountains and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It just gradually went from a dark orange to a brilliant blue with all of the reds, purples and pinks in between. It was truly an awesome sight. My enjoyment of it was interrupted by God reminding me of something. It was like He was telling me "during this time of waiting to go to Cambodia, don't focus on your frustration. Look for the good in where you are at. Don't focus on all of the "negative" things that are happening around you to cause you to go slow, but look for the good."

So much for my fuming. That was over. While the temptation is still there to become restless and discontent with Gods timing, we are finding ourselves more content with where we are. While we are being diligent and faithful in our pursuit of moving, we are resting completely in God's timing and faithfulness...trying not to focus on the 'traffic' around us.

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