Thursday, July 1, 2010


So we are creeping up on 6 months here and still cannot imagine ourselves anywhere else right now. We are continuing to be amazed at how God is blessing us in so many ways that we couldn't have scripted for ourselves. One way that we prayed and hoped that God would bless us is with community. We have seen that happen in ways that we could never have imagined. On June 1st we moved into our new place which is near our largest school, Logos International School ( We did so for several reasons 2 of which were it was under budget for us, it was close to school and we had a lot of friends that lived there. The last reason is why we are really glad we moved where we did. There are at least 4 other families we know living within a 250 meter radius of us, not counting House of Hope (Asian Hope's boy's home). For many reasons this has blessed us and contributed to our desire for longevity. First, we love and have been wired for a busy home. For the most part, we are not content closing our door and gate to the outside world and keeping to ourselves. This has resulted in many days and nights of some of the boys over for ping pong, cards, movies, hang-out, popcorn, discussions or like today, a hospital visit. Each of the boys are amazing in their own way and gifted beyond measure, which our creator does with each of us. We love getting to know each of them as time passes.
As if those relationships weren't enough, it seems our community relationships are starting to deepen as well. Take for instance our connection with our favorite tuk tuk driver, Wibol. He is in his early 30's and married with 2 kids. Shalom is 8 and she is in 3rd grade at a state school, Mongkol is 5 and attends Asian Hope International School. Our relationship began out of need. We were without transportation for a month and a half and needed to call on him many times. Now it has developed into a friendship where we can call on each other in times of need. Late one night I received a text from him asking us to pray for his son who was running a high fever, another time I called him for some "emergency" help in translating during a situation with Khmai police officer, just recently he called and asked if we could help out in a small way in getting some health care for his Dad. We prayed about it and were pleased to do so. It was so cool while talking to him last night, with evident emotion in his voice he said "Dan, every night Mongkol prays for you and your family. He never forgets." We love how our roots are growing deeper here.
In the interest of longevity, we are also trying to structure our lives in a way that will support it. In doing so we are taking the advice of many missionaries that have been on the field for a long time as well as advice given during our training and we are getting away from the city for a few days. Next week (July 5th) we are taking advantage of rainy season rates in Southeast Asia and driving to Koh Chang, Thailand for time of family connection and renewal. Whereas we love where we live and what we do, it is so easy to get caught up in day to day activities and lose sight of each other and WHY we are here. It also allows us a breather and forces us to step away from our work. As many of you know, when work is ministry to others sometimes you can find yourself working almost 24/7. We are all so excited to venture out on this road trip and see a new part of Southeast Asia. We are praying for and trusting God for a healthy, safe and fun time of renewal for all of us.
Thanks again for joining us on this journey.

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