Monday, March 14, 2011


So as we are a couple months into our second year here, life has become very routine...and that's a good thing in a place where EVERY day we see things that cause us to say "I have never seen anything like that before".  One thing that has been most instrumental in helping me feel settled is watching all of our kids not only survive here but really engage and thrive here.  Sure there are challenges and struggles but God has really confirmed to my heart that we are right where he wants us.  We are so blessed to have them in an excellent international school where they can make good friends, be challenged intellectually and be spurred on to growth spiritually as well.  One thing that warms my heart is to watch Alex, Abby, Calli and Cameron interact with eachother on the same school campus.  There are about 330 students from 20+ different countries from Pre-K 3 to 12th grade at LIS (Logos International School).  It seems a little crazy at times but it works great.  A few weeks ago, when Alex had just gotten back from the HS Bible Camp, Cameron came running as fast as he could from one side of the soccer field to the other and jumped into the arms of his big brother.  That warmed a father's heart like few things can.  I didn't even mind that he ran right by my open arms to greet his bro. 
Last week was "Spring Fling" week.  It is similar to "Spirit Week" back in the States but using "spirit" here would carry some connotations that could be taken negatively.  Anyways, it was a fun week where kids can dress up in some unusual costumes and have fun playing games at lunch.  These are some pics of our kids and some of their friends.  As one of the judges for crazy hair day, I decided to get into the action on that day.  I hope you enjoy.

Cameron and his best friend Rain on Crazy hair day.
The whole crew that rode with us to school on "Crazy hair day".  Not sure who the nerdy bus driver is.
Calli (in the middle) with her friends Jenny and Jordan.
Abby (left) with Michaela and Micah
Alex and David dressed up for character day.

Cameron dressed up as a clown.  A mop + a rug + a hair tie = an improvised clown costume.  No costume shops here.

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