Sunday, August 14, 2011

Living in the "10/40 Window"

The "10/40 Window". What is it? I am sure that many of you have heard of it,  but I am also certain that many of you have not. And even if you have, you may not know exactly what it is. I know I sure didn't until we moved here. So I thought I would dedicate a post to give you a brief glimpse.
The 10/40 window simply refers to an area of the globe stretching from the west side of Africa to the east part of Asia; from 10 degrees to 40 degrees north of the equator. So why is this area so significant? Here are some statistics that might answer that question:
  • 2/3 of the world's population - about 4.4 billion people - live in the 10/40 window.
  • 90% of these people are unevangelized - either they have never heard the Gospel or there is not enough of a presence to make an impact.
  • 85% of those living in this region are the poorest of the world's poor.
  • It is estimated that only 10% of the global missionary force are working in this area.
  • Of the 44 people groups in Cambodia, 31 of them remain unreached.
I wanted to share these with you so you could better understand where it is that we live.  I am thankful almost daily that we live in a country that is, for the most part, open to the Gospel. As of right now, we do not encounter persecution or any danger when sharing our faith or hosting a religious meeting. However, we never know when that might change. For us, though, it is difficult yet important to keep in mind that almost everyone we meet is lost as 96% of the country is Buddhist. Beyond the poverty, sickness and suffering, our heart is for the eternal lives of these wonderful people. Every day when we walk down the street or drive through town and people say "hi" to us, it is imperative that we view them through this lens. That is the real reason we are here. Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers and please let me know if you would like to become more active in reaching this area of the world with the Gospel.
Here are some pictures you might enjoy:
Me sharing the Gospel with some attentive kids in the remote village of Kraviek

Attending a stilted house church in Prek Pneu, the community where Asian Hope is starting the Village Development Program.

Cameron and Alex participating in a prayer time at our new facility in Prek Pneu

Carolyn interacting with an elderly woman at the house church in Prek Pneu.

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