Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Week In

So we have been here one week and are settling in well. We are doing many things that are helping us feel more established mixed with things that are just necessities for everyday living. What we are finding is that no matter why we do things, they all take considerably more effort and energy than they would in the states. Example: I went to get my drivers license 2 days ago (Monday). Simple enough, right? Well, I drove downtown (I know there are some of you making connections in your is he driving without a license? That is a subject for another post)to get my 6 photos it takes to get one. Then, Tuesday when the photos were ready I drove back into town to get them and I took them across town to a driving school to get my actual license. So I handed the lady my photos, paperwork and $45 dollars and walked away with nothing. Yep. I had to drive back there today and get handed a piece of paper on which I can only read my name, trusting that it really is the temporary license they were telling me it is in hopes that I really will get my real one in a couple months.
So that is a little slice into our lives these days. We have similar stories with many other things. The remarkable thing is, none of this deters us. Our hearts are still united and excited about what we are doing. (By the way, that picture is of the $45, or 193,500 riel, piece of paper I invested in).

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